X-Ray Systems (Fully Refurbished)

- Max Board/Sample Size – 10″ x 12″
- X, Y, Z, Tilt, Rotate
- Max 120KV
- High Mag 175X
- PXi-Pro Software
- Very Flexible machine for 3D imaging

- Max Board/Sample Size – 18″ x 24″
- X, Y, Rotate (optional)
- Max 100 or 120KV (optional)
- Max Mag 65X
- PXi-Pro Software
- Good Entry Level machine for large boards/samples

- Max Board/Sample Size – 18″ x 24″
- Max Field of View – 4″
- X, Y, Rotate (optional)
- Max 120KV
- Max Mag 65X
- PXi-Pro Software
- Good Entry Level machine for large boards/samples
PXI fully refurbishes all X-ray systems to the original equipment manufacturer’s specifications. We are the original designers of the Nicolet x-ray product line, so we know what it takes. Comes with full warranty and support, so you don’t have to worry about buying the equipment and be on your own after the purchase. The computer and software is updated with a Windows7 PC and our PXi-Pro image processing package with all the latest algorithms for measuring BGA’s and other component defects. We offer extended warranties and can customize the software to add capabilities that are specific to your x-ray inspection needs. New systems with this kind of performance will generally run 2 times higher price.
(The systems shown above are in current inventory. If you need a specific Nicolet model, let us know, we can get it.)